Passing Exams with Hypnosis- By: Gerry Ronson

Description : The first thing you need to know is that this hypnosis technique is self hypnosis. Self hypnosis means you will listen to a CD and take yourself under to solve your problems. There are other hypnosis techniques such as a hypnotist or hypnotherapist that can help you if the CD still does not work. For now though lets concentrate on the CD hypnosis technique.

You may have exam stress or test anxiety. It is amazing and surprising at how many individuals actually suffer from exam stress and do not realise it. If you have ever had the feelings that you just were not smart enough you may have exam stress. If you feel that you study enough, and yet still failed it could be exam stress that caused issues. Test anxiety means that you study and know the answers, but you get so stressed before the actual test begins that your mind is blank when trying to answer the test questions. You may feel frustrated or stupid because everything looks different than what you studied for. Exam stress or test anxiety is a real problem that you need solved.

Luckily there is help if you suffer from exam stress, which means you can turn it into exam success. For exam success you might want to consider hypnosis. Hypnosis is a technique that works in a variety of different situations including for test anxiety. We will look at how the hypnosis technique may work for you.

The CD will start off by having you lie down in a quiet room, preferably just before you go to sleep. The room should be silent but for the CD and have no distractions like a pet, traffic noise, or other interruptions. At the start of the CD music such as waves, rain, or something else that may lull you will be played. Then a voice will begin to speak in a low tone, in a calm manner. This voice is going to help you become hypnotised. During this stage of hypnosis you will begin to feel your mind relax and envision what the voice is describing.

The second part of hypnosis is the suggestions. You may hear suggestions to calm yourself in a stressful situation, or to take deep breaths and envision something while you are preparing for the test. The suggestions will help build your confidence for the test, no matter what test it is. Your exam stress will melt away by using these hypnosis techniques. Any time you feel negative thoughts regarding the exam you will be inclined to use the self hypnosis techniques described on the CD.

You can use the CD before a test, like the night before or even an hour before a test if you have the time.

You may find yourself on a beach, boat, or other place that is calming to go with the music. You will be asked to relax your muscles one by one, to go deeper into a trance. Once you have moved into a deep trance the helpful section of the CD will begin.

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Author Resource : Gerry Ronson works for a store selling hypnosis cds, their products cover such issues as anger managment though hypnosis. Gerry has been a full time writer for almost ten years and works from his home in Leicester, England.